Make Time for “Me Time”

Colorado is well known for its getaway destinations and peaceful scenery. If you’re looking for a way to destress your body and mind, our THC & CBD infused bath bombs are the perfect escape. Simply drop one of our cannabis bath bombs into a warm bath, submerge yourself, breathe deeply, and let the effervescent experience wash over you. This infused collection features three scents: Uplift, Balance, & Calm.

RECREATIONAL3 piece collection, 3 scents, 15 mg CBD & 15 mg THC per infused bath bombSCENT NOTES

UPLIFT: Grapefruit, Bergamot, Sweet Marjoram, Black Pepper, Rosemary

BALANCE: Rose Geranium, Patchouli, Lavender

CALM: Cedarwood, Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Benzoin